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 Veterans Aid & Attendance   VA Pension For (Home Care)

Aid & Attendance is a tax-free (VA) pension distributed to eligible veterans or their surviving spouses. 


Even though the pension has been around for more than 60 years, very few people know about it or understand how it works. Sadly, an estimated two million people are eligible for the VA Aid & Attendance Pension valued at $22 Billion per year, but only one-third of elderly veterans or surviving spouses even know it exists!  

 To qualify you will need to meet the following criteria:
1. Military Service Requirements:
you must be a veteran or a surviving spouse of a veteran, who served at least 90 days on active duty, at least one day during wartime, with an honorable discharge. (Persian Gulf War veterans must have two years of active duty.
2. Medical Requirements 
A doctor must confirm disability and a need for assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, transportation, and meal preparation. This disability must not be connected to the Veterans' military service. (If the veteran has a service-connected disability he or she should seek funds through the VA's Compensation Program Instead.)
3. Money/Financial Requirements:
You must have limited income and assets in relation to medical expenses. (A home and car are exempt.) 
This service is free to all our clients who qualify. By law, no person or organization can charge a veteran or his surviving dependents to apply for the VA Aid & Attendance Pension.
4. Home Care Can Start Right Away For Eligible Veterans And Spouses
One of the biggest Advantages of the Veteran Assist Program is that qualifying clients receive a free, no-interest loan to begin home care before the VA application is processed. This means there's no waiting game while the VA takes months to process the claim. The loan is repaid when our clients are entitled and receives a retroactive payment from the VA.
5. War Periods of Eligibility
 * World War II: December 7, 1941 - December 31, 1946
 * Korean Conflict: June 27, 1950 - January 31, 1955
 * Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964 - May 7, 1975 
    Or February 18, 1961 - for veterans who served "in-country" (in Vietnam) before August 5,            1964
6. Documents Needed
* Marriage License     
* Death Certificates                  
  (when applicable)
* Honorable Discharge 
  DD-214 Military Form
* Social Security Award Letter 
* Copy of Last Three Bank Statements 
* Pension Statements 
  Tri-State works with a VA accredited claims company to apply for benefits.

 *Veterans Administration administers all monetary funds. Tri-State Home Care Services is not affiliated with any Government agency and cannot offer legal advice.


Toll-Free (855) 813-1332

©2016-2021 Tri-State Home Care Service Group





Divisions of Tri-State

Tri-State Home Care Serivces, LLC.  

Tri-State Home Care Services of Maryland, LLC. 

Tri-State Home Care Services of Pennsylvania, LLC.

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